Let us know your complaints, comments, suggestions, praises, pet peeves, improvements, etc…etc…
♠ What did work, didn’t work, would’ve work…
♠ What should be back next year, what shouldn’t be back next year, what should be new next year…
♠ Any issues with vendors, featured guests, venue, staff, volunteers, security, other attendees, etc…? Which vendors and guests were great and should be brought back?
♠ What panels or workshops did you enjoy? What new panels and workshops would you like to see?
♠ Be brutal! We want to know what we can do to fix any issues that can be fixed.
There are lots of things we already know about, but let us know again. The more you compliment or constructively criticize a certain aspect of Expo 2012, the more we know how important it is to you guys.
Thanks, so much!